Ethics in the School. Ethical Principles and Values and the Historical Research

  • Carmen ALEXANDRACHE ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Teacher Training Department, Galati, Romania
Keywords: History, ethics, education, curriculum, competences, critical think


The paper intends to show that the students will realize the quality scientific actions if they know how are correct to find and use the historical sources. We focus on the fact that the ethical norms, principles need to be internalized by each pupil / student and, in this way these became values which involve the best research aptitudes. In the history lessons, the pupils / students learn what is correct / fake, just / unjust, good / wrong in the research activity. They need to know what is or is not allowed to do when identify information, analyze and interpret some dates, notices, processes and historical persona. The paper shows that, in the educational system, the ethical principles in the historical research refer to use sources, to work with historical information found, to report the results and communicate the notices, conclusions. These aspects were developed in the paper associating them with the appropriate abilities.



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How to Cite
ALEXANDRACHE, C. (2017). Ethics in the School. Ethical Principles and Values and the Historical Research. LUMEN Proceedings, 1, 18-26.