Study Regarding the Motives of Children Participation in Sport Activities
The purpose of this study was to examine the participation motives of children from different sports and examine the reasons why they are continuing or quitting the athletic activity. The study was conducted on 66 girls and 31 boys practicing various sports in Bacau. The average age of the participants was 10.5 years. We constructed a questionnaire to identify the children’s motivation to practice sports, their maintaining interest in practicing sports and the motives they have to quit or change their sport. The subjects were practicing the following sports: badminton, basketball, handball, tennis, combat sports, swimming, dance, volleyball and track and field. Boys spend more time vigorously exercising and competing in competitive sports than girls. The results of the study show that the girls are oriented toward sports that do not expose or harm their body and prefer individual sports or collaborative sports. It can be concluded that based on the average values of each of the participation motives, “to be appreciated by friends and family” and “to be part of a group of friends” were the most important reasons for the subjects. The motives of dropping out of sports appear to be: lack of positive role models, lack of access, safety and transportation issues, social stigma, decreased quality of experience and cost.
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