Evaluation of Music Education: Musical Competences and Self-confidence in Teaching

  • Stefanija LESHKOVA ZELENKOVSKA Professor at Music Academy, Stip, R. Macedonia
  • Aida ISLAM Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Keywords: Teacher education, teaching music, musical competence of future teachers


This paper refers to the influence of the music curriculum upon music education of the future teachers at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Skopje, R. Macedonia. The academy program is very important for developing musical competences, thereby self-confidence as essential for self-efficacy in teaching. Given that studying music need more time and continuous practice, the aim was to perceive if the current course provides generalists the necessary knowledge and skills. A research was conducted among the students (N 42) who had finished the internship (2015/16). The descriptive–explicative method which was applied, enabled review of the conditions and the situation. In the research technique, a questionnaire was used as the main tool which comprised dichotomous questions, questions with verbal and scaled answers and a five-point Likert scale of viewpoints. It was designed to perceive their previous music activities, attitude toward music education, and the music experience in class teaching. According to the responses, gender, musical background and the attitude don’t affect the music competences (t=1,141, df(40) p>0.05), (F=0,453, df(40) p>0.05). The acquired musical skills turned out to be the most important (ß = 0,894, p <0,01) in influencing the confidence (R2=0,79, F (1,146) =580,815, p<0,01). Due to the results, students have the justified need for longer lasting music studying and the longer internship in schools. The recommendation is reviewing the curriculum according to useful student insights also as one of the postulates of EU higher education concept.


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How to Cite
LESHKOVA ZELENKOVSKA, S., & ISLAM, A. (2017). Evaluation of Music Education: Musical Competences and Self-confidence in Teaching. LUMEN Proceedings, 1, 413-423. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.rsacvp2017.38