The Human Body - Between Past and Present, the New Self and Body-Self
The body was both subject and object of the study, analysis and discussion over time for scientists, if we accept the idea that they were at the beginnings of humanity. This statement is supported by the many written and unwritten sources, possibilities to perform movements were the main factor in meeting the necessities of biological, physiological, spiritual, and entertainment specific to humans. Practice of physical exercises to train body image reached the current stage of development of society is the result of multiple determinations, of which seems necessary to highlight the importance of three ones: continued development of formal and non-formal, creating free time as permanent social reality, intense movement and changing specific values of the phenomenon, supported by modern conditions of civilization. Thus, we find that today many individuals of both genders are unsatisfied by their physical appearance, in particular by the size and shape of own bodies. From this point of view it is to distinguish women who are most concerned to change this, most often through diet or using extreme methods of weight control, including starvation, elimination of voluntary food intake, diuretics or laxative abuse and applying exercise programs incompatible with their preparation. This paper aims to demonstrate that physical activity, carried out systematically through a fitness program, contributes directly to the improvement of the structure and functions of various organs and systems of the body. This approach of the problem leads mostly to eat disorder incidence much higher among them than men, which means that it is useful image issues of the body and nutrition lie on a continuum, depending on their severity.
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