Analysis of the Influence of Sensorimotor Coordination Development on Floor Acrobatic Training in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics
This paper aims to highlight the influence of sensorimotor coordination development on biomechanical characteristics in double back somersault executed on the floor by junior gymnasts aged 12 to 15 years. The following methods were used to achieve the goal and objectives of the research: analysis of specialized literature; method of pedagogical observation; method of pedagogical experiment; method of tests; video computerized method of biomechanical analysis; statistical-mathematical method and method of graphical representation. A number of 3 tests of evaluation of sensorimotor coordination were used during this study: test 1 –”Briuk” test, static balance; test 2 – static-kinematic stability and test 3 – stuck landing. The biomechanical analysis was made by means of Physics ToolKit program, monitoring the key elements of sports technique used in double back somersault on floor. The study findings show the level of sensorimotor coordination development in terms of spatial-temporal orientation, vestibular coordination and balance, kinematic and dynamic analysis of sports technique key elements regarding body segments trajectories, angular speeds and force momentum during double back somersault on floor. Also, the evaluation of sensorimotor coordination consistent with the biomechanical analysis of sports technique of floor acrobatic elements in the case of junior gymnasts aged 12 to 15 highlights their influence on the technical training and performances achieved in competitions.
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