“Yes They Can?” - An Empirical Study on the Effect of Slogans in Brand Awareness
Slogans are a verbal or written expression of the brand marketing positioning and, consequently, should aim to benefit the brand. The brand equity concept includes several dimensions, and those might be developed or reinforced by each branding marketing action. Brand awareness is a component of brand equity and, therefore, might be influenced by marketing communications, which includes the slogan. The main research question addressed in this paper is to analyse if slogans might influence brand awareness. To achieve that goal, an empirical quantitative study was conducted among a sample of three hundred and seventy mobile telecom service consumers, gathering primary data via an on-line questionnaire. The variables considered were slogan recall, slogan recognition and spontaneous brand awareness for three different mobile telecom brands. The results obtained reveal a positive association between slogan recall and brand awareness in two of the brands in study. The results also show that those two brands were the ones with the highest awareness levels.
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