The Role, Importance and Equipment of Nutrition Laboratory in School

  • Oana ATOMEI PhD student, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania
Keywords: laboratory, nutrition, nutrition education


In the Romanian school healthy eating is promoted in optional classes, counseling classes and educational projects. Therefore, it is useful to have a space for nutrition education (preventive nutrition) classes. Nutrition laboratory becomes a place where not only healthy eating is promoted, but also, through creative and fun culinary activities, it provides students the opportunity to learn about proper food preparation, food safety, servings, and correct association of food in menus. Nutrition education classes may take place in any classroom, but if the activities take place in a specially arranged and properly equipped classroom, the impact on students will be higher. Gastronomy laboratory in some technology high schools can form the basis of nutrition laboratory. The improvement consists in a proper classroom arrangement, in addition to special designed space for food preparation (kitchen). Its organization is based on the level of education (primary, secondary) and according to the proposed theme areas: basics of nutrition, food safety etc. Food questionnaires and food diaries, approved height and weight scales, 2000 CDC growth charts, dietary guidelines and food labels, kitchen scales, recipes, menus and diets, tables for recommended number of servings, tables for daily needs of fluids, calories and nutrients, tables for nutrition fact of foods, and lists of educational resources become useful tools in assessing nutritional status and in promoting healthy eating.


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How to Cite
ATOMEI, O. (2017). The Role, Importance and Equipment of Nutrition Laboratory in School. LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 25-30.