The Didactics of the Curricular Area of Language and Communication: a Model For a Transdisciplinary Approach
The need to transgress the borders of more or less related disciplines has emerged since the 1970s when the term ‘transdisciplinarity’ began to be used by researchers such as Jean Piaget (1972), Edgar Morin (1997) and Eric Jantsch (1972). A relevant contribution to the definition of the concept of trandisciplinarity belongs to the Romanian-French researcher Basarab Nicolescu (1999). We shall approach the concept of transdisciplinarity in relation to the didactics of the disciplines from the curricular area of Language and Communication, namely the teaching of the Romanian language (as mother tongue), and the English and French languages (as second, respectively third languages), in the Romanian pre-university educational system. Our aim is to propose a model for a transdisciplinary approach to teaching the Romanian, English and French languages so that these disciplines may become more appealing to students. The model will relate not only to the competences characteristic of each discipline, but also to the transversal competences established in compliance with the EU regulations. We shall focus on teaching-learning-evaluation methods that promote transdisciplinarity among these three disciplines.
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