The Nature of Sociotherapeutic Influence at the St. Anna’s Brotherhood in Staszów (Poland)

  • Sławomir CHROST Dr hab. Prof UJK, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
Keywords: socialization of children, social integration, St. Anna’s Brotherhood


Nowadays, the situation of some Polish families is very difficult. Poverty, unemployment, all sorts of addictions, violence, no future perspectives, lack of appropriate role models and help penetrate each other becoming the cause and effect of pathological behaviors. Children – usually innocent and helpless – consequently become the victims of social isolation.The institution supporting families in those situations is the St. Anna’s Brotherhood in Staszów (Poland). The paper presents the main objectives of the fraternity, programs and daily work (a set of caring, upbringing and therapeutic actions; an example of sociotherapeutic classes held at St. Anna’s Brotherhood).


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How to Cite
CHROST, S. (2017). The Nature of Sociotherapeutic Influence at the St. Anna’s Brotherhood in Staszów (Poland). LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 87-99.