Forming Psychology Student’s Readiness to Assist Transnational Families

  • Anastasiia GOLODRYZHUK Chernivtsy National University, Ukraine
Keywords: psychological readiness, transnational families, psychological traumas, psychological assistance


The problem of migration for employment is one of the most important problems of Ukrainian society, mainly because it leads to the appearance of transnational families. The peculiarities of formation, functioning and relation-building in transnational families are reviewed in the article. Main contemporary approaches to studies of the personality's psychological readiness to performing professional activities are analyzed also. The necessity of forming psychological readiness with psychology students to assist such families is stressed due to the fact that a lot of work migrants and their family members request psychological assistance. Main directions of theoretical and applied training with psychology students, to advance their skills and form their psychological readiness to assist transnational families, are defined in the paper.


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How to Cite
GOLODRYZHUK, A. (2017). Forming Psychology Student’s Readiness to Assist Transnational Families. LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 180-186.