On the Holistic Approach of the Primary School’s Mathematics Curriculum
Since Pedagogy adopted the holistic as a its new paradigm, in the educational policies of the many states it has happened the different modifications and/or reformulation for most curriculum at any level of the national education systems. All these new things have many implications at the teachers’ level, and also at the students’ level. Unfortunately, at the university level, the expected changes derived from the new pedagogy’s paradigm did not happened, and also in the formation plans for the teachers. In this context, for example, a primary school teacher is now put in the difficult for him and for his students in the frame of a new disciplines, like “Mathematics and environmental exploration”. More, the handbooks for these new discipline have not any links with the spirit, philosophy and the scientific knowledge of this discipline. Of course, at the management level of the Romanian educational system, we find some momentary solutions for these situations: it is supposed that the primary school teacher can cope to these their real situations through participation at the short training courses of the differently institutions or/and organizations which have the education minister allowed. The aim of our paper is to present a possible holistic approach of some example of didactic situations for the discipline of mathematics and environmental exploration, which should be considered by the research of the educational domain
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