Exercising Citizenship in the European Union
This study aims to outline some points of reference related to the process of exercising citizenship in the European Union and to identify a few characteristics regarding educational contexts responsible for development of social and civic competences that underpin the exercising of citizenship. The process of building identity in the contemporary context, the relationship between identity and citizenship, the citizenship approach between tradition and modernity, the issue of European citizenship, the civic dimension in the process of education and the educational landmarks in the process of developing social and civic competences are the coordinates that shape the analysis of citizenship exercising in the European Union. The potential of cultural diversity in the plural society determines the need for consistency and coherency at the level of personal and community development as well as recognition, valorisation and respect for identity and its exercising. An authentic civic conduct is a result of convergence between knowledge, skills and attitudes that link citizenship values to social expectations, in terms of principles, norms and practices according to the needs of a democratic society functioning. Formal, non-formal or informal educational contexts sustain the process of identity development and structure coordinates for exercising citizenship through different learning experiences built in an active, free, open and reflexive perspective, preparing the individual for integration into the social life.
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