Study on Professional Values in Choosing the Teaching Career
The choice of a profession is a major problem with multiple implications not only at individual but also at macro-social level. The effects of suitable career choices entail behaviours such as satisfaction, commitment, stability, civism etc. A career in education is uniquely challenging. The teaching profession is essential in a country of social welfare, which implies a high level of responsibility and altruism - intrinsic human values. Values play an important role in people’s behaviours, affecting their perceptions, attitudes, and motivations. Through this study we aim to investigate the relationship established between the structuring of professional values and teaching career choice, and the effects resulting from this choice. The study was conducted on a sample of 65 subjects, students and teachers in the pre-university educational system using specific investigation tools. The study confirms that work values determine significant effects on job choice decisions. The paper also presents the implications of the results obtained in the study of work values and job choice.
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