Body Mass Determinations of Young People During the Period Between 2008-2017
The physical /somatic dimension, embodied in the physical autonomy and the current anatomical-functional capacity, the vitality necessary for a normal life, subscribes to the complex concept of "quality of life". In our century, the amplitude of excessive technology (mechanization and automation) and the ease of communication and travels, led to a reduction in the physical effort made by young people. All these changes have a negative impact on the physical well-being, by increasing the percentage of sedentary people and obesity. Intercountry comparable overweight and obesity estimates from 2008 show that 51.0% of the adult population (> 20 years old) in Romania were overweight and 19.1% were obese. Adulthood obesity prevalence forecasts (2010–2030) predict that in 2020, 12% of men and 9% of women will be obese. This study aims to determine the somatic mass evolution (muscle mass / adipose tissue ratio) of the students from University “Politehnica” of Bucharest by comparing the data collected in 2008 with those of 2017 and by finding the changes occurred over time. The results of the research show a positive evolution of the students’ physical development in 2017 compared to the students in 2008, by the significant increase of the muscle mass (t=4.2932, p= 0.0001). The values recorded in the adipose tissue do not display significant differences. The evolution identification of the muscle mass-adipose tissue ratio over time could highlight the effect of the educational and training process specific to the field of physical education and sport, and raising the awareness of the young people about the systematic practice of the physical activity combined with a healthy diet aims to increase the quality of life.
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