Specificity of Investigation in Primary Classes
In intention of modernizing education, the goals are focused on new formative coordinates. Investigative activities include a complex of cognitive processes that allow the process of the scientific content by pupils by mobilizing all their knowledge, skills and attitudes. Exploration/investigation meets three main components specific to the structure of pedagogical activities: constructive component, organizational component and communicative component. Formation of competence of exploration/ investigation must describe its structural components: declarative (savoir-dire), procedural (savoir-faire), conative (savoir-être). Moreover, there were established and described the levels of training competence of exploration/investigation: initiation, certification, and maintenance. To determine the competence level of development of exploration/ investigation to pupils from primary school, the tests were applied to each component on a sample of 63 pupils. Exploration/investigation activity of little pupils is an instructive research activity.
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