Global Communication in Today’s Management

  • Alexandru TRIFU PhD Professor, Petre Andrei University, Iassy, Romania
Keywords: Global communication, management systems, optimal relationship, efficiency


The communication is a very sensitive topic in the managerial process, because the accuracy of decisions largely depends on the communication efficiency.Information and data transmission, in a correctly manner and their acceptance, lead to a better comprehension of the issues, by their debate and determine the necessity of communication in double-way senses.For the manager of today, the communication becomes the essential feature of his activity and existence within an organization, both in relationships with employees and staff and with the business environment. The approach of the global communication within managerial systems, either endogenous and exogenous, means above all, the process the transformation of the human society in transition to the communication-based values, a complex and lasting process.


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How to Cite
TRIFU, A. (2017). Global Communication in Today’s Management. LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 434-439.