Analysis and Evolution of Profit and Net Profit Margin in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Romania
Profit is considered to be an important source of financing the financial activity of any economic entity. The main purpose of any activity is to make a profit. As a significant part of equity, employees can be remunerated from profit (as part of their profit share) and also shareholders/associations can be also remunerated in the form of distributed dividends. The appreciation of financial performance is closely linked to the ability to make a profit. In this sense, the main purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the evolution of profit and net profit margin, as an indicator of performance appreciation, for economic entities in the field of manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products in Romania. The basis of the analysis is the annual financial statements for a number of 46 entities for the period 1999-2018 (20 years). The results of the research show that, from the point of view of the evolution of the number of entities that register profit, we are witnessing an increase from 12 entities in 1999 to 23 entities in 2018. However, referring to the increase in the number of entities from a total of 17 in 1999 to 46 entities in 2018, we notice that in 2018 only half of them register a profit. The other half falls into the category of less performing entities due to losses. However, after a period of financial decline (2008-2009) we see a gradual increase in profits recorded by economic entities in the pharmaceutical industry in Romania.
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