The Importance of Military Management in Pandemic Crises Management
The year 2020 began with the coronavirus pandemic, which led to one of the most tumultuous periods in recent history, sending the world economy into a crisis that is hard to estimate, with a steep drop in economic growth and a recession with grim prospects of a return to its original situation. We are talking about major social, economic and political challenges, with implications that will be very difficult to manage in terms of social life, health care, unemployment or economic development. The current context of the global crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic, the implicit transformations that have occurred in the management of public administration has required a change in the classical attitude towards crisis management and management, namely the adoption of a more complex and comprehensive one, which will give you a firm concern for the affected areas, by resorting, where necessary, to a military management to solve the crisis. Military leadership is a strong one, with special training, that makes it able to manage crisis situations, because we are talking about people who are used to making decisions in conditions of uncertainty and having insufficient information.
The document presented is a study that examines the role played by the military environment in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, given that it has generated a complex chain of socio-economic effects, and the need to involve military capabilities is more than necessary, considering one of the mission of army is supporting the authorities during unexpected situations.
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