Online Ethics During COVID-19 Pandemic
Ethics represents an important role in any society, applicable to all activities. Online information, during its evolution, applied many changes in all the domains, changes that may affect the principles of ethics. The continued freedom to use the online environment, the failure to establish clear rules both nationally and internationally can lead to many problems, most of which are ethical. Although ethics is an important value of society, in reality, it serves as an established virtue. This paper reveals the fact that the limits of ethics can be easily violated, showing which possible dangers can be met and, with attention, avoided. Using the Internet has become a priority in any domain: economic, cultural, academic, educational, and social. The most obvious change could be observed at the social level. Thus, more and more people prefer to socialize online, through social networks. Within these networks, most cases of violation of ethical norms can be observed. That is why certain ethical standards should be set clear enough to protect the privacy of users. The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have led more and more people to use the online environment (online work, online education). With the increase in the rate of use of the online environment, online illegalities have also increased, legalities that violate the principles of ethics. We must not neglect that any action in the online environment exposes the user to certain risks. We consider online users must get informed about possible risks and problems that may arise from browsing online. Thus, good information of the population, as well as continuously updated legislation, can help to respect the norms of ethics in the online environment
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