Possibilities for Implementing Anti-Bullying Elements in the e-Learning Process
Bullying is not a new phenomenon, but it has spread in recent years through a new form: cyber-bullying, as a result of technological evolution. The negative effects are multiple, from anxiety, health problems, to dropping out of school and even suicide. To make the school a safe environment for children, methodological norms have appeared to prevent and combat bullying manifestations in the school environment.
In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, when many activities continued online, education also acquired a new dimension: e-Learning. Information devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) have taken over the occupations of young people and exposed them to cyber risks, pseudo-socialization, technological dependence. Online safety of students is a necessity and a topical issue, in which the family, the school and the community should be involved, and training through courses is a first step in solving this problem.
This paper briefly presents the dangers caused by the misuse of technology, as well as the entrepreneurial perspective of anti-bullying intervention, through online training courses.
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