Can Online Learning Lead to Better Results of Knowledge Acquisition?
Implementing a performant knowledge management system in military institutions involves emphasizing the role of the organizational dimension that promotes learning, increasing the quality of employees' work and consolidating managers in these institutions as leaders who encourage learning at all levels. The objectives of knowledge acquisition must be defined in such a way as to improve performance and support the trust of the beneficiary of the public service provided. The development of organizational culture within the institution allows people to adopt new values, attitudes and behaviors. Investing in an efficient knowledge management system involves the development of training and education programs that contribute to improving the skills of employees and knowledge sharing both vertically and horizontally, in order to provide quality public service and create value within the community. Knowledge management can be implemented more efficiently and beneficially in the context of the increasing use of technology in educational activities. Thus, integration of e-learning in knowledge management systems allows the removal of space and time barriers from learning. The question is whether current e-learning systems meet the requirements of knowledge management and provide results comparable to those obtained through traditional learning.
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