How Can We Form the self-image of Students from Primary School by Receiving the Literary Text

  • Elena-Roxana Irina Casa Corpului Didactic Neamţ, jud. Neamţ, România
Keywords: education, student, self-image, literature, methods, curriculum


One of the premises that determines the research topic is that the methodologies for forming the self-image of the students of the primary classes in the process of receiving the literary text are not sufficiently known, systematized, valorized, applied. In addition, the literary text with its dual function of psychological and pedagogical resource is used in the educational approach more as a moral value. The emotional aspect, probed in the theories of art or more specifically of artistic literary education, which contributes to the development of the respective intelligence is less valued by teachers. The "poor" emotional intelligence developed at the students, the problems of the self-image made us preoccupied about this problem. The purpose of the research aims to reveal some methods corresponding to the literary-artistic education for the formation of the self-image of the students of the primary school in the process of receiving the literary text. The research aims to establish the psycho-pedagogical and literary-artistic landmarks for the formation of the self-image of the students of the primary school in the process of receiving the literary text; studying the practical situation regarding the formation of the student's self-image; applying questionnaires to investigate the student's self-image; highlighting, in the process of the pedagogical experiment, the tendencies and the particularities of forming the self-image of the student, as well as the validation of the formative approach within the control phase; creating opportunities to introduce didactic technologies specific to the system of literary-artistic activities for the formation of the student's self-image. Expected results: a comparative analysis of the curriculum and book of Romanian language and literature, 3rd / 4th grades in Romania and in the Republic of Moldova, regarding the existence of the competences / contents that lead to the formation of the self-image of the students, two lots (one experimental and one control) of 100 students from the 3rd / 4th grades from Romania and from the Republic of Moldova, on which questionnaires on the self-image will be applied, an optional curriculum Read and get to know yourself! for the 3rd / 4th grades, which aims at forming the self-image of the primary students in the process of receiving the literary text, an auxiliary for the 3rd / 4th graders and a guide for the teaching staff the optional class, with different contents aimed at forming the self-image of the students of the primary classes in the process of receiving the literary text, a training program and the course support, approved by the Ministry of National Education of Romania, 25 trained teachers. The research runs from November 2020 to June 2021.

Author Biography

Elena-Roxana Irina, Casa Corpului Didactic Neamţ, jud. Neamţ, România

Casa Corpului Didactic Neamţ, jud. Neamţ, România



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How to Cite
Irina, E.-R. (2021). How Can We Form the self-image of Students from Primary School by Receiving the Literary Text. LUMEN Proceedings, 16, 172-190.