Preparation of Economics Teachers in Kazakhstan

  • Aigerim Kozhabergenova Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
  • Erika Kopp Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: teacher education, economics, kazakhstan, educational programmes


The current stage of the world development is characterized by the rapid changes in political, economic and social fields caused by scientific and technological progress and globalization with intensified competition in the global market. Entering the top 30 of the most competitive countries was set as one of the main directions of the state policy of Kazakhstan (Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, 2012). To increase the competitiveness of the country the government proposed implementation of the new model of the economic growth based on the development of human capital, stimulating of export-oriented production, strengthening the role of the private sector and comprehensive support for entrepreneurship – leading force of the national economy (Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, 2012; Kazakhstan Strategic Development Plan until 2025, 2017). Development of the human capital and entrepreneurship activity require the presence of the population that possess relevant knowledge and competencies. Therefore, today, the state pays more attention to economic literacy and the development of entrepreneurial competencies among the population already starting from the school level. In turn, the quality of economic training of students is largely determined by the competence and level of economic preparation of teachers. The implementation of the tasks of school economic education actualizes the need for qualified and competent economics teachers. Therefore, the issues of the preparation of the future economics teachers and the possibilities of the advanced training for the in-service teachers also become relevant. Thus, this study explores the state and main problems of preparing of pre-service and in-service economics teachers in Kazakhstan.

Author Biographies

Aigerim Kozhabergenova, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Erika Kopp, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary




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How to Cite
Kozhabergenova, A., & Kopp, E. (2021). Preparation of Economics Teachers in Kazakhstan. LUMEN Proceedings, 16, 229-246.