School Effects of Attachment Break in Context of Economic Migration of Parents
Romania is going through a period of economic transition, subject to the pressures of globalization that affect the evolution of the family, at the micro social level, structurally, from the behaviour and relational point of view. The continuous process of changes in the labour market, the inefficiency of the association between vocational training and job satisfaction, the financial difficulties felt by most families but also the challenge of modernity have emphasized the phenomenon of migration in the last decade. The departure of parents who have to work abroad has become a worrying phenomenon with a higher incidence in the eastern half of the country. It has got complex effects on the evolution of the family, especially on the children left at home with one of their parents or their tutors. Nowadays, the studies show more and more situations of neglect in which children become victims and suffer emotionally and physically. They also suffer various abuses, they are exploited through work or sex. In schools, there is a new profile of special educational requirements (not deficiencies), the profile of children left at home without parental support. It is worrying the migration phenomenon seen as a value model by the young generation and its negative effects at school level: decrease of motivation for learning or school abandonment. The present study discusses a review of the current scientific literature objectively, which examines the impact of breaking attachment relationships between children and parents on socio-emotional development and school outcomes. The Romanian society knows an important socio-economic phenomenon, which has grown since 1990: migration. In 2017, a study carried out at the request of the Romanian Government recorded more than 85,000 children left home alone with one of the parents or without parental supervision. We aim to analyse what effects at school and socio-emotional level have the loss of attachment ties having as moderators the gender of the migrant parent, the duration of the separation, the age at which the separation occurs. When these relationships are interrupted, the child’s emotional development is affected, his emotional balance having repercussions in his social life. The purpose of this study is to identify, monitor the dimensions of the phenomenon in intensely affected areas (Braila and Galati counties), the psycho-pedagogical aspects of children with migrant parents exposed to situations of vulnerability, marginalization and to propose a program of educational strategies in order to optimize school motivation. The main objective of the research is to identify, evaluate and involve them into adaptive actions that have as their objective the rebalancing of the socio-affective relations
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