Breaking Stereotypes Concerning Remigrated Children - A Multinational Possible Intervention Plan through School
The article is based on a multinational study involving five countries (Romania, Portugal, Italy, North Macedonia, and Iceland) facing the return migration or remigration situation. Pupils (n = 1615), teachers (n = 370), future teachers (n = 166) and youth workers (n = 30) were questioned about various aspects regarding the subject. Among the matters, cultural needs appear to the most important. Based on the statistical analysis, the article describes the dynamics of the dependent variables, with highlighted interest on cultural needs. Psychological and social needs, cultural needs, and educational needs are discussed and link conclusions appear. Following the analysis, an intervention plan is built and tailored activities for teachers are proposed. Breaking stereotypes is a sensitive aspect of the intervention for the integration of remigrated children in the country of origin. The paper presents a possible intervention plan, with the elaborated activities and argues the elaborative process by calibrating each interference with the dynamics of the studied variables.
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