Family and Kindergarten - the Partnership for Education
This paper presents both theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of this kindergarten-family partnership with the mission to inform both teachers and parents about the importance of collaboration and to offer some suggestions by which we can make the communication between these two parts. The main objective underlying this paper is to study in detail the partnership between kindergarten and family and to analyze the reasons why this partnership is not fully realized in order to facilitate better communication between these two parties. The paper is structured in 3 chapters as follows: In the first chapter, called "The family environment and its educational value", the paper deals with topics such as: family - a polysematic concept, family functions and educational styles in the family. In these second chapter, called "Kindergarten-family relationship, active and efficient partners in early education", the paper focuses on: the concept of educational partnership, collaboration between family and kindergarten - guarantee of school success, the opportunity of the educational partnership family-kindergarten, implementation of the family-kindergarten partnership and the importance of the kindergarten-family partnership in the formation and development of the personality of the preschool child. In the third chapter, which is the case study, “Comparison between the urban and rural areas, regarding the kindergarten-family partnership problem”, the paper focuses on the level of involvement of parents and teachers in the issue of their involvement in the education of children. I will also analyze the difference between rural and urban areas regarding the problem of partnership and the involvement of parents and educators. The family must always be involved in the education of the child at home and at school. The partnership between family and kindergarten represents a strong collaborative relationship, with the help of which we work in a team to establish the best methods of collaboration and education for the child. The kindergarten helps the child to develop psychically, physically and intellectually, leaving him with a bag of information that will help him in the future. Many may ask this question "What role does the family play in this process?". Well, the family gives the child the seven years at home, which are extremely important. Without the seven years at home, the educator cannot function as well as he or she would like. Without the help and involvement of the family in the relationship with the kindergarten, this process we call Partnership, would not exist. Also, in performing the processing and interpretation of the data from this research, the statistical method was used. After centralizing all the answers, I found the following facts: Parents are selective when it comes to their involvement in different activities within the kindergarten. The parents together with the teachers appreciate the importance of the partnership. In both urban and rural areas, we can say that there is openness and transparency when it comes to this partnership and between parents and teachers do not find communication problems.
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