Anxiety Tests in Primary School
The purpose of this paper is to present both theoretical and practical aspects related to student’s test anxiety. The role of this paper is to inform the teachers about haw the word” test” should be used in the school context and to highlight the aspects of anxiety and everything that lies behind this rich subject. The main objective underlying this paper is the detailed analysis of what anxiety means and haw it manifests itself among the students. The paper is structured of 3 chapters, two of them presenting the theoretical part and one practical part. In the first part called, Theoretical Approach” the paper aims to analyse the following: anxiety, anxiety theories and contemporary theories and implications of anxiety towards the test. In the second chapter called, Anxiety and stress towards tests” the paper focuses on the following aspects: anxiety about test, anxiety disorders and their effects on personality development, the role of tests in education children of primary school, blocking anxiety and recovering from failure, affectivity and perfectionism. In the third chapter named, the research methodology” I will try to analyse haw children are affected during the assessment and haw high their level of anxiety is when they are faced with these situations. Also, in performing the processing and interpretation of the data from this research, the statistical method was used. Thus, after centralizing the results of the students participating in the study, we reached the following conclusions: during the tests some of students trembled their hands, often students forget what they have learned or have problems in remembering. Many students do not give 100% performance when undergoing tests because they are stressed, became anxious and they block. The teacher has to teach children that the role of testing is to figure out where you went wrong or what needs to be improved. From study the material needed for this paper I was able to discover what each child (even myself) felt and lived when he heard the word, test”.
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