Territorial Development - Disparities between the Developed and the least Developed Areas of Romania

  • Florina BRAN Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
  • Cristina ALPOPI Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  • Sorin BURLACU Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Territorial development; Regions; Living standards.


Spatial development refers to developed areas and least developed, how it can be done better link between them and the manner in which less developed areas can catch up with the former. Every country that has reached the stage of development was faced, first, with differences of procedure. The fact that some regions grow faster is a good thing because it allows a faster global growth, a challenge for lagging regions and generate resources for solving the problems facing the country. For a more extensive development, attention should move from region to citizens.

Decision makers should not focus on poorly developed areas, but on people living in these areas. Regions and economies are as strong as the people who live in them, and if these people will have access to opportunities and regions have. Generally, people are more productive when they are involved in activities that make them happy. Most often, underdeveloped regions cannot offer such opportunities. The role of public institutions is to facilitate citizens' access to opportunities, both at home and abroad and to support disadvantaged groups who lack access to opportunities like the rest of the population.

This paper provides an overview of poorly developed regions in Romania and shows how residents of these areas can move closer to living standards and opportunities for those in developed areas.


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How to Cite
BRAN, F., ALPOPI, C., & BURLACU, S. (2018). Territorial Development - Disparities between the Developed and the least Developed Areas of Romania. LUMEN Proceedings, 6(1), 146-155. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.69