Particularities and Trends of Tourism in the Central and Eastern Part of European Union

  • Adrian-Liviu SCUTARIU “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, Suceava
Keywords: Tourism; Central and Eastern Europe; Regions; net occupancy rates of bed places; average length of stay; tourism intensity; correlations.


In this paper we aim to analyse some aspects related to tourism in the East and Central European regions of the E.U. Tourism become one of the most important economic activities in the world and also in the European Union. In the Eastern and Central regions of the E.U there is not a tourist activity as high as in other regions of the Union. However, the tourism tends to concentrate in some areas: seaside, capital cities and mountainous ones. The poor promotion and the poor infrastructure are the main brakes for the tourism development in the Eastern and Central Europe regions. We observed insignificant increases of the net occupancy rates of bed places and a slowly decreasing trend of the average length of stay. These facts can change also by the diversification of the tourist offer. Our correlative analysis revealed that in most cases the regions registering a high net occupancy rates of bed places and a high average length of stay, also record a high tourism intensity. So, diversifying the offer will contribute to the increase of the length of stay and of the net occupancy rates of bed places, bringing more incomes in the economy of the area and efficientizing the use of resources.


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How to Cite
SCUTARIU, A.-L. (2018). Particularities and Trends of Tourism in the Central and Eastern Part of European Union. LUMEN Proceedings, 6(1), 255-267.