Conditions and Characteristics of the Repairable Injury

  • Florin Octavian BARBU Doctoral Student, The Romanian Academy, Legal Research Institute “Academician Andrei Radulescu”, Lawyer, Dambovita Bar
Keywords: repairable injury, prescribing the right to action, terminology, civil liability, regulations


According to the Civil Code, the right to reparation arises from causing the injury, when the right to an action is born to obtain the prejudice redress, but we have some reservations, both in terms of prescribing the right to action and terminology.Thus, we consider that the practical use of the right to reparation will be possible after the procedures provided by the law, when the claim becomes cert, liquid and eligible, provided that the court decision has the constitutive character of rights.The solution to assess the injury at the time of its occurrence is unfair to the victim because it refers to the assessment of the injury or the value of the injury can exponentially increase with the period between the moment of the injury and the moment of the decision to repair. The solution for a more effective protection of the victim would be the assessment of injuries in relation to the date of the judgment, the most frequent argument being made in the case of the personal injury with priority regarding the physical and moral integrity of the person, the Romanian Civil Code regulation being derogatory to common law. The victim’s right to claim is born at the time of the injury, but at this point is an abstract prejudice, being an imperfect right. In this respect, the French doctrine is divided, some considering the “information claim” at the time of the injury, and others claiming the thesis of the declarative nature of the decision ordering injuries. If we take into account the realities we are confronted with, we cannot see that there may be changes in the extent of the injury caused to the victim even during the trial, especially as a cause that can last for many years. We also believe that it would be appropriate to extend civil liability assumptions to the limit of insurable activities, victims being fairly protected, both by committing civil liability and by triggering the insurance contract mechanism.


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How to Cite
BARBU, F. (2018). Conditions and Characteristics of the Repairable Injury. LUMEN Proceedings, 4(1), 45-52.