Performing Cost-Benefit Analysis for Funding Projects
Cost-Benefit Analysis is an analytical tool used to estimate (in terms of benefits and costs) the socio-economic impact due to the implementation of certain actions and / or projects. The impact has to be assessed against predetermined objectives, with the analysis usually taking place by taking into account all individuals affected by the action, either directly or indirectly. The paper presents the importance of Cost-Benefit Analysis for companies that want to access non-reimbursable funds (from the European Commission's budget or national budget), but also its impact on the decision of the financiers to grant funds to the applicant companies. Cost-Benefit Analysis forecasts will positively impact company’s activity? Is CBA real or shows processed information only to determine the financer to give the financing? Who really benefits from the forecasts? These are questions stay unanswered, because the risks and uncertainties to which companies are subjected daily, does no guaranties for future developments and situation, non the less a CBA. The CBA stay only a prediction.
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