Proceedings Volume: Globalization, Innovation and Development, Trends and Prospects (GIDTP 2019)

Editors: Ioana Panagoreț, Assoc. Prof. PhD – Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania &
Gabriel Gorghiu, Professor PhD - Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania

ISSN (print): 2601 – 2510
ISSN (on-line): 2601 – 2529
ISSN–L: 2601 – 2510

ISBN:  978-1-910129-33-3

Conference details |
Conference title: G.I.D.T.P. 2019 - Globalization, Innovation and Development, Trends and Prospects 2019
Dates: November 28-29, 2019
Location: Faculty of Science and Engineering of Valahia University of Târgovişte, 3 Turnu Măgurele Street, Alexandria, Romania, 140003
Organizer: Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania

The conference addresses professors, researchers, experts, specialists, public or private institutions interested in the following fields: Economics and management; Public administration and social responsibility in the European context; Innovation and Information technology; Diversity and local development. See more

Contact |
Publisher: Editura LUMEN - LUMEN Publishing, Iasi, Romania; prlumen2[at]
Editors: Ioana Panagoret, Gabriel Gorghiu

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Published: 2022-03-09
