Communication and Leadership

  • Valentin Gheorghe Dimon Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Management, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: communication, leadership, organization, management


Communication means transmitting some ideas, messages, feelings, thoughts and wishes, that occur between two ore multiple persons. The concept of communication by itself starts from our existence as human beings, because if we sit back and analyse a little the idea of communication, we wouldn’t be able to interact with other people without it, in other words our existence on the earth would be useless. As I mentioned before, by any form of communication, verbal or non-verbal, we can share multiple emotions, feelings, desires, at the same time we can learn new things. Communication helps us, as human beings, evolve, develop our expertise in various areas, and it is  an important factor when it comes to becoming successful and professional productivity. Leadership is the complex process through which a skilled person manages to convince more employees to accomplish certain goals, tasks or missions, with the common interest of developing the organization or firm.


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How to Cite
Dimon, V. G. (2019). Communication and Leadership. LUMEN Proceedings, 8(1), 25-32.