The National Program „School after School”- Factual and Conceptual Premises. Educational and Legal Perspectives

  • Mirela Carmen Dobrilă Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Law, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, România
  • Bogdan Constantin Neculau Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, România
Keywords: „School after school”, national program, educational program, legal framework


The School after School program must be absolutely necessary in accordance with the principle of individual and age specificities, with the particular needs and interests of the pupil, valuing his / her skills and competencies. Whether we refer to specialized support activities, to thematic ones (recreational), to sequences aimed at accelerating learning and performance or training for life, the result should focus on the harmonious development of the child child's personality. Achieving this goal would mean bringing the child / young man in a state of balance with himself and the other, preparing to successfully meet the challenges of life and of the modern society.
The article analyzes the introduction by the Ministry of National Education of Romania of the National Program "School after school", as a new program, complementary to the compulsory school program, but different from the "After school" programs that previously functioned in the absence of a legal framework. The article highlights the educational content of the program and the legal framework for the program to run. The program's specific nature is aimed at enhancing competences, as well as elements on remedial learning, learning through educational and recreational activities, within a legal framework, with clear and express regulations.


Law of National Education no. 1 of 5 January 2011, published in the Official Gazette no 18 of 10 January 2011, as amended by Law no. 102 and 103 of 8 May 2019.

Ministry of National Education. Order no. 5349 of 7 September 2011 on the approval of the Methodology for organizing the "School after School" Program, published in the Official Gazette no. 738 of 20 October 2011, as amended by Order no. 4802 of 31 August 31 2017 (OMECT 5349).

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Guvernul României. Strategia privind reducerea părăsirii timpurii a şcolii în România. 2015 [cited 01 mai 2019]. Available from

Niculina Petre, Mariana Arnăutu, Bogdan Georoceanu, Beatrice Darie, World Vision Romania. Raportul de cercetare privind nevoia de programe de tip Școală dupa Școală. Bucureşti. Risoprint. 2013. [cited 01 mai 2019] Available from

The Code of Ethics of 30 August 2018 of the teaching staff in pre-university education, approved by the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 4.831 of 30 August 2018, published in the Official Gazette no. 844 of 4 October 2018.

Ministry of National Education. Agreement on Technical Assistance Services for Development of the Capacity of Central Public Administration to Conduct Impact Studies, Report on Impact Assessment of Regulations: Content and implementation of a "School after School" National Program. 2016. [cited 01 mai 2019]. Available online at

How to Cite
Dobrilă, M. C., & Neculau, B. C. (2019). The National Program „School after School”- Factual and Conceptual Premises. Educational and Legal Perspectives. LUMEN Proceedings, 9, 82-88.