Innovations and Economic Growth in Romania - Current State and Perspectives

  • Vinko Kandzija Libertas International University, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Marko Tomljanovic University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia
  • Tomislav Kandzija Rijeka, Croatia
Keywords: economic growth, innovation, Romania, research, development


Romania became a member of the EU in 2007 and thus gained the preconditions for achieving economic growth and long-term stability. Romania has not fully exploited all benefits of EU membership and is still in the group of the least developed member states. However, recent reports points to accelerated economic growth and improvement of economic performances of Romanian economy. In current situation, special emphasis should be placed on further stimulation of investments in research and development and their products. Such an orientation will result in achieving economic growth and improvement of the national competitiveness.

Author Biographies

Vinko Kandzija, Libertas International University, Zagreb, Croatia

Libertas International University, Zagreb, Croatia

Marko Tomljanovic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia

Tomislav Kandzija, Rijeka, Croatia

Rijeka, Croatia


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How to Cite
Kandzija, V., Tomljanovic, M., & Kandzija, T. (2020). Innovations and Economic Growth in Romania - Current State and Perspectives. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 116-125.