Ethics and Open Sources

  • Daniela Baiasu Valahia University from Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: ethics, open sources, information, Internet, fake news


Ethics is a system of moral principles and methods applicable to all activities. The two terms in our research, ethics and open sources, seem to contradict each other because the activity of using information obtained through open sources respects the norms of ethics as long as the information is real and legally obtained. The evolution of information and technology led to changes in the private and public fields, both at the organizational and decision-making level. Through this study, we want to show that violating the rules of ethics in the field of open source can be done easily, although it is an area where many countries are deficient in taking measures to stop irregularities. By applying optimal management of information obtained from open sources, areas such as economic, educational, or social can be improved in a relatively short time and can generate increases in the areas in which they are applied. The search for information in open sources, as a resource and engine for development, has become a visible priority of classical methods. The benefits of technology can lead, intentionally or unintentionally, to breaches of ethical standards in obtaining and using information from open sources. The misuse of open-source information can lead to intentional or involuntary misinformation, as well as violations of fundamental rights.


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How to Cite
Baiasu, D. (2020). Ethics and Open Sources. LUMEN Proceedings, 11, 86-95. Retrieved from