Influence of Manual Therapies in LumbarDisc Herniation– A Case Study

  • Leonard ACASANDREI National University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest, Romania
  • Alina HELGIU Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine, Romania
Keywords: manual therapies, disc herniation, vertebral manipulation


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has so far been the best way to diagnose disc herniation, the high resolution of images taken on various vertebral tissues allowing the observation, in different planes, of situations such as: the displacement of dural sac and nerve roots, the disc hydration status, which are important data forthe diagnosis and prognosis of disc disease.Manual therapies mainly aim at restoring the lost joint mobility, but also the balance of muscular, skeletal and cranial systems. To this purpose, manipulationtechniques are used for decompression ofthe nerve root affected by disc herniation, spinal hypomobilityandnormalisation ofthe muscles that are peripheral to the lesion. From the arsenal of therapeutic techniques used in disc herniation, joint manipulationis a physiotherapeutic technique recommended with some reluctance by specialist physicians, often due to the auraof mysticism surrounding itand the risk of adverse reactions during its application by therapists with little experience in this area.We believe that, by using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), we can have an efficient instrument to monitor theprogression of herniated disc, which provideswell-objectified individual profiles.


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How to Cite
ACASANDREI, L., & HELGIU, A. (2018). Influence of Manual Therapies in LumbarDisc Herniation– A Case Study. LUMEN Proceedings, 4(1), 1-8.