The Role of Game-based Learning in Career Development and Job Placement of Young People with Intellectual Disability

  • Narcisa Delia Valentina Chirvasiu Special Professional School Nr. 2, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ruxandra Foloştină University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Intellectual disability, employment, business game, job placement, work


The European Employment Strategy has estabilished as a main objective the inclusion of disadvantaged people on the labor market by promoting open employment strategies. In this framework. it is desirable to identify and remove barriers that hinder the employment of people with disabilities.

The most important skill needed to work in adult life for students with intellectual disability is the ability to cope with social situations. The training and the development of social skills needed to work and lead to an independent life is a major goal for students with intellectual disability. The disappearance from the curriculum for special education of some subjects such as "Education for adulthood" represents a barrier to the formation and social integration of young people with intellectual disability. Independent life skills represent the minimum of skills that allow the owner to develop a normal social life, thus limiting the need for assistance or accompaniment from social services.

Forming social skills for young people with intellectual disabilities could shorten the gap between educational provision and their employment needs by allowing young people to integrate much easier.

In this article, we want to analyse the importance of entrepreneurial education through virtual games. Nowadays, virtual games occupy a great deal of young people's time, being at the top of their preferences, motivating them and forming their interests. Starting from this idea, we want to present a prototype of an entrepreneurial game, accessible to young people with intellectual disabilities, through which they can develop the necessary skills for a future job placement.


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How to Cite
Chirvasiu, N. D. V., & Foloştină, R. (2018). The Role of Game-based Learning in Career Development and Job Placement of Young People with Intellectual Disability. LUMEN Proceedings, 5(1), 58-65.