Dacian-Roman Cultural Personalities from Scythia Minor (4th-6th Centuries) and Their Contribution to the Affirmation and Promotion of a Humanistic-Christian Culture at European Level
In this study, we have evoked the names of several personalities from the Proto-Romanian culture of Latin and Greek language, from the 4th-6th centuries, located in Scythia Minor (Romanian Dobrogea). Through their pastoral and canonical activities and works with a pronounced literary, historical, theological-philosophical and legal content, they contributed to the assertion of a humanistic Christian culture of ecumenical nature and to the promotion of "unitas in diversitas" (unity in diversity), in the cultural field, at European level. Thus, they played an important role in preparing the European unity of ecclesiastical and cultural-religious nature. Through their (theological, philosophical, historical, literary, juridical etc.) works, these scholars from the Roman province of Scythia Minor are also known in history as founders of the European Christian Culture of ecumenical nature. Finally, by their works, these Scholars from the Romanian Dobrogea of the 4th – 6th centuries promoted the cultural (material and spiritual) identity of the two worlds of the Roman Empire, i.e. "Pars Orientis" and "Pars Occidentis", which underlay the cultural identity of today's Europe.
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