The Importance of School-Family-Students with Mental Disabilities Partnership
From the human rights perspective, the problem of educational and social integration at students with any type of deficiency is considered essential for the promotion in the entire educational system, in school, in lesson, of democratic principle of equality of chances. Therefore, educational integration of students with mental disabilities becomes one of the most actual psycho-pedagogical and social problems being in the specialists' objectives. That's why, for the success of school participation it is important the family commitment and responsibility in children's education, especially at students with mental disabilities, where the parents’ degree of interest and collaboration with school is the most often directly proportional with the school results obtained by their children. In order to communicate and collaborate efficiently, students and parents base themselves on some elements: respect (mutual), which can be often modelled by the teaching staff; it is important to start from the premises that parents are the most important teachers in their child's life; impartial attitude, that solicits positive thinking and open to families, avoidance of evaluative and disapproving judgements; empathy towards parent attitude, can be easily observed by this one by opening to dialogue and sincere, sensitive communication. The purpose of the research is constituted by the scientific assessment of families' involvement in amelioration of education of students with mental disabilities, and the methodology of scientific research is determined by the object specificity and research purpose: scientific documentation, official documents analysis; comparison, observation, data collection.
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