Early Education – Current Content Relevant to the Training of Trainers
Early education has been world widely accepted as a strategic formative intervention for the last decades. Development of the required multidimensional action complex is founded on a determinative framework which is most frequently centred on people needs (subtlety emphasised by humanities) and observation of the rights of each and every person (displayed mostly within international legal framework). Early education requires a whole range of interrogations and corresponding solutions which need a cognitive thorough study by several professional categories. This study explains acceptations of the syntagm early education and synthesises arguments – which for the generated themes in connection to it, would claim assignment of a substantial study area within the university curriculum (Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degree, PhD Programmes and lifelong learning) of the faculties of educational sciences (and their concerned specialisations) in Romania. Arguments pro curricular enrichment that we keep on evoking comprises two relevant aspects: reconsideration of the early education by some international bodies and world states and application of some measures for significantly qualitative assertion and development of early education in Romania of the last decades.
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