Current Problems of Motherhood and Childhood Social Support in the Developed Countries

  • Viktoriia STYNSKA SHEE "The VasylStefanykPrecarpathianNationalUniversity", Ukraine
Keywords: social support, motherhood, childhood, developed countries, the demographic crisis, state assistance


The article outlines the urgent problems of motherhood and childhood social support in the developed countries. Different types of state assistance to families with children in developed countries are analyzed: tax credits for families with children; at one-time childbirth assistance; support package for child care up to 3 years; special assistance for low-income families with children; grant support for the family; economic support for single parents; birth assistance for the second, third and subsequent children; special programs for young parents. The attention is devoted to the issues of international experience to overcome the demographic crisis and the main directions of its use in Ukraine. The conclusion: one of the areas of social policy support for mothers and children is the successful overcoming the demographic crisis by: reducing mortality through health reform and improve welfare of people; reducing the number of divorces; economic support for young families as child natural surroundingas; improvement of living standards of large families; strengthening legal protection of children and others.



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How to Cite
STYNSKA, V. (2017). Current Problems of Motherhood and Childhood Social Support in the Developed Countries. LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 414-422.