Detainees’ Employment - Between a Business Opportunity and the Social Benefit of Reducing Recidivism

  • Cristina Dumitran Romanian Academy, Quality Of Life Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: entrepreneurship, employment of detainees, recidivism


The paper addresses one of the causes of criminality in Romania: poverty as result of the lack of qualification and formal jobs, particularly in the case of those committing crimes against property.

Although there are policies aimed to reduce the causes that generate crime and recidivism, their effectiveness has not been evaluated so far, the only indicator being the statistical one. Contrary to expectations, statistically, the recidivism rate in Romania is increasing.

In this context, there is the opportunity to initiate partnerships between the business environment and the penitentiary system to increasing turnover. In addition, it can also address social issues such as qualification of detainees during detention, reducing anger and aggression by engaging in productive and structured activities, increasing the post-release chances of employment, education through and for work, increasing one's own income for prisons and reducing the risk of recidivism after release.

The article presents the multidimensional opportunities of a public-private partnership, with an accent on the economic and social impact for the entrepreneur - penitentiary (as a state institution) - detainee - society.

Author Biography

Cristina Dumitran, Romanian Academy, Quality Of Life Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania

Doctoral student at Romanian Academy, Quality Of Life Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania


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How to Cite
Dumitran, C. (2020). Detainees’ Employment - Between a Business Opportunity and the Social Benefit of Reducing Recidivism. LUMEN Proceedings, 14, 240-247.