Rethinking Public Administration through Managers as Leaders
Rethinking public administration helps to drive public managers as agents of change who assume behaviours coherently with a leadership identity. Public administration is rediscovering the sustainability as a key source and goal for strategic and organisational change by promoting the organisational dimension that relies on enhancing the quality of people as human resources, strengthening both the public manager as a leader and public servants as employees who are committed and motivated to public service. Managers as leaders help to drive public administration as an organisation which is able to proceed towards future as a sustainable public organisation which develops the quality of human capital and improves performances, supports public trust and enhances democratic life. Rediscovering the organisational dimension helps to develop the leadership as identity and source for ethical and transformational behaviours of a leader, and enables public managers to assume coherent values, attitudes and behaviours developing the leadership as central identity. Today, driving public administration requires effective public managers who are able to behave as ethical and transformational leaders who motivate, support and drive the employees at work.
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