Human Resources Management in Organizational Performance

  • Gabriel Ionuţ Vasile “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities
  • Xiaoyu Zhan “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities
Keywords: organization, performance, human resources, evaluation


The world we live in has countless organizations that are born, grow or disappear. The use of human resources is very common and essential for all types of organizations at all times. They ensure the survival and tryingness of the organization in today's dynamic business environment. The investment in human resources means not only the regular salary payments but also employees' personal and professional development in order to enhance their job skills and act responsibly when necessary. The traditional approach to human resources management implies only the costs for the job performed. The unique values of human resources imply both the ability of personal and professional development and the desire of self-improvement as standards of the modern world require.

Work evaluation can have a negative impact and that happens when the manager considers the employee, as individual, accountable for bad job performance and does not take an account of the weak areas of performance evaluation and control.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Ionuţ Vasile, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities

PhD student, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Lt. Stancu Ion street, Nr. 35, Targoviste, Romania

Xiaoyu Zhan, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities

PhD student, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Lt. Stancu Ion street, Nr. 35, Targoviste, Romania


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How to Cite
Vasile, G. I., & Zhan, X. (2021). Human Resources Management in Organizational Performance. LUMEN Proceedings, 15, 102-112.