The Impact of Working from Home During Pandemic Times on Employees Motivation in Romanian Insurance Companies

  • Bogdan Ştefănescu Valahia University of Târgoviste, Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: sustainability, motivation, digitalization, telework


This article represents an analysis of the impact on employees of insurance companies in Romania, of the changes that occurred following the crisis generated by the Coronavirus pandemic. With the implementation of traffic restrictions in the spring of 2020 and the introduction of quarantine in Romania, companies were forced to resort to alternative means of conducting and continuing the activity in safe conditions for employees. The main change was the implementation of work at home, doubled by a strong progress of digitalization in the field.

The orientation of companies towards the customer, the desire to offer the most complete services and the need to work as much as possible in the online environment, accelerated the digital transformation processes, offering a new perspective to both customers and employees who were able to experience a large number migrating to work from home.

This article pays more attention to the analysis of the direct relationship between staff motivation in the case of work at home and the results obtained, with the final result - the sustainability of the organization's activity.


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How to Cite
Ştefănescu, B. (2021). The Impact of Working from Home During Pandemic Times on Employees Motivation in Romanian Insurance Companies. LUMEN Proceedings, 15, 125-133.