The Life Cycle of Biodegradable and Compostable Packaging from the Perspective of Developing a Sustainable Bioeconomy
This paper aims to present a study linked with the evaluation of the life cycle of both biodegradable and compostable packaging focusing on the impact these have upon the environment, regardless of the life-cycle stage, actually looking at it as a whole. In this article, the evaluation process will focus on the final stage of the product's life - decommissioning and reintegration into the environment.
At present, in order for products to be approved by consumers, who are increasingly selective about health and environmental protection, they need to send an appropriate message. The message for consumers can take different forms, being informed about: rational use of resources in the production process, economical and sustainable packaging, attestation of the quality of the product in question, the fact that they are sustainable (compared to similar products in trade). The explosive development of design technologies and software allows the identification of design solutions that lead to the optimization of the project in a new, clean, environmentally friendly formula. Eco-design must ensure technical and aesthetic accuracy, while identifying the optimal shape depending on the chosen material. Consumers are particularly concerned about its persistence in the environment, due to the decomposition time of 100 to 400 years (Zins Beauchesne et al., 2008), its non-renewable fossil resources and the amount of waste allocated to it. The presence of dispersed plastics in nature associated with their persistence in the environment causes major impacts on terrestrial and marine ecosystems (Allsopp et al., 2006).
In this context, the objectives of this article are risk assessment, environmental performance assessment, environmental impact assessment and identification of possible changes in each phase of the life cycle of both biodegradable as well as compostable packaging, which in turn may be the originator source of environmental benefits.
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