Some Aspects of the Creative Potential in Primary School Children
A notable theme in much recent primary education has been the concept of creativity. Nowadays it is highlighted the fact that creativity is directly responsible for the progress of the society. Creativity and creative potential are still seen as two abstracts concepts because literature in the field is updating day by day. The curriculum contributes the developing of trans and interdisciplinary activities. Throughout time, the most important innovations in different domains were possible only with the help of human who wanted to create something new, original and innovative. In this case, creativity plays a very important role. Developing the capacity of being creative, it is essential for surviving, as each of us is in great need of novelty and originality. The link between creativity and creative potential is very thin because it positively influences at the same time the educational process. In the article, the novelty is highlighted through the connections between creativity and creative potential in education and also, there are presented few theoretical interpretations of each concept. In order for an adult to become creative, fostering creativity and stimulating creative potential from an early age is required. The school system remains the main instrument, which society uses to cultivate and enhance creativity in young members, of school age. In this sense, the systemic modernization of education, in the light of pedagogy of creativity, is necessary. Although, the school play an essential role in training primary school children in order to be able to use their full creative potential in future productive activities. At the same time, creativity represents a condition of efficiency in both work and education. Creativity and creative potential in education stands for an important factor in developing primary school children in order to obtain an autonomous and creative personality.
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