Some Considerations Regarding the Cultural Built Patrimony of the Southern Part of Bukovina. A Literature Review of Relevant Contributions
The cultural landscape of the southern part of historic province Bukovina (situated in North-East of Romania) is a resource for a sustainable development of tourism in the area, being considered that the tourist product and service supply combine Bucovina's main assets: nature and culture [1].
Named the "Land of Beech", well known for its vast forests, Bukovina was the region where the woodworking craftsmanship has taken shape since ancient times.
Here we can talk about a real development of the wood culture (wood was used to build the house, the barn, the stables, the gate and the fence, to make the furniture inside the dwelling, for example the dowry chest, the table, the bed, the dish shelf, the kneading-trough, the barrels, the spoons, the loom, the spinning wheel, the spindle, the towing torch). This wood culture was influenced by historical and geographic factors, it had particularities from one area to another regarding the working techniques, especially due to the influence of the German, Polish and Slovak colonists, who came to Bukovina after its annexation by the Austrians (1774).
Recently, the preservation of cultural landscape, as a solution that contributes to a sustainable development of the region, was brought again to the attention of specialists. To have access to all written resources, could be a challenge, if we take into consideration that most of them were produced between 1960-1990, in a limited number, with a limited circulation. The present paper will result of the documentation work of the authors, that have centralized all bibliographic resources that are relevant for the material patrimony of Bukovina.
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