The Need for European Norms and Measures to Prevent Social Dumping
Combating the phenomenon of social dumping is a permanent concern of the European Union in the context of the creation of the internal market. Has the risk of social dumping become a permanent problem within the European Union meant that the European legislator has provided answers to the question: has European legislation taken sufficient, effective, and concrete measures to enable the European legal mechanism to combat this phenomenon? The article aims to analyze how the European space integrates into the global economic environment. The secondary purpose is also to identify how it can protect itself from the risk of social competition posed by trade with the rest of the world. Social dumping is the result of differences in the levels of development of the Member States of the European Union. In addition, the social variable would not have been as important if the working conditions in those countries had been the same. Given that the notion of social dumping has received many interpretations over time, currently, the notion does not have a clear definition, namely that of economic dumping, we can say that based on exploring the literature the term social dumping is viewed through a paradox. To explain this paradox, we can start from the finding that a state even if it has a lower level of social protection does not necessarily mean that it can develop the risk of social dumping.
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